Garden Buildings & Landscaping

Halls Vanlet Irrigation System

  • Image of Halls Vanlet Irrigation System
Prices starting from £141.00
Model: Halls Vanlet Irrigation System

Gravity fed automatic drip watering system.

Supplied with:

25m of hose

30 drip pins

35 Y connectors. 


Call Eden for more information.

Halls Vanlet Irrigation System

The Vanlet Irrigation System is a gravity fed automatic drip watering system to water and feed the plants in your greenhouse at regular intervals.

The Vanlet system must be connected to a mains water feed and a valve system controls the flow.

The Vanlet system can be adjusted to feed between 10 and 150 litres of water over a 24 hour period. Each dripper can be adjusted so that it delivers exactly the right amount of water and feed to each individual plant.